Thursday, September 5, 2019
An Overview On World Food Programme English Language Essay
An Overview On World Food Programme English Language Essay One of the most important issues in the world is food crisis which a large number of people are suffering from it. While there are about 1.6 billion of people overweight and 500 million are obese, there are billion people in the world who suffering from hunger (More Food May Not Mean Less Hunger ,2009).there are several reasons for food crisis these days such as ; increase in the population , climate change ,increase prices and natural disaster ( drought , flood and climate change ) .there are responses which have taken to solve these problems many responses which taken such as ; financial aid ,GM food and food aid this essay will discuss how successful is food aid .first, it will present general information about food aid .then , it will show some statistics about food aid . finally, it will discuss the food aid in Bangladesh and Ethiopia . Food aid is a generic term which encompasses a range of instruments and interventions (Christopher. Barrett Daniel Maxwell, 2005)6.As what World Food Programme said ; the aim from Food aid is to give poorest people food which helps them to live (2009) 2 and to fix food problems such as food insecurity and malnutrition around the world during the crisis period and 5 . Shah stats thatThere are three kind of receiving food aid, First is by which is project food aid which gives food aid as result of specific project3 .Second type is relief food aid which is occur in war or other emergency situations 3.the last type is comes from government to government3 (2007).food aid has three ways to be given to people multilateral aid4orand Non Government Organization aid4 , it can be called bilateral aid4(OPPapers ,2008) According to what is written in Global Policy Forum Food aid Global policy said food aid comes countries and charities such as WFP which means World Food Programme 1which work to help 88 million people addition, World Food Programme receive the donations as money -if that possible or as food1. More than half of global food aid is given by united stats and the other half comes from Canada and Japan1. In 1960s the donations of food aids was five million tonnes and this number increased to 7.4 million tonnes in 2004 1. Most of the countries choose the country which wants it to receive the food aid rather than to be chosen by the World Food Programme1 (2005). There are many developing countries receive food aid ,one of these countries are Bangladesh and Ethiopia .Bangladesh improved the producing food since it started to depend on its self in 19717 (Akhter Shahidur,2006).the rice and wheat which are the main Bangladesh product, their prices increased by 84 percent at that time. 7 (Akhter Shahidur,2006). Coutts argue that Unfortunately, it cannot continue its achievements because of many reasons such as drought while the Bangladesh food product depends on water to grow up and in the other periods there was floodwaters which make Bangladesh lose most of its products8(Coutts, 2004). Moreover, there is increase in food prices and some kinds of food increased by more than 20% in the rice price and the vegetables selling prices increase, too (Coutts, 2004). 8and that number keep growing up until it became 50 % in 200811.As a result of that the number of employee is decrease and many people are suffering from malnutrition8(Coutts, 2004).the hung er project states that it has high number of people living there and the number of population is increased and it consider as the second high population in the world with 150 million people live there 13. In addition ,for about every fifty years the number of rats in Bangladesh increased sharply and that effect the agriculture area which leads it to decease because the crops are damaged by rats which ate 90% of harvest that leads about 130,000 people to suffering from food shortage .all of reasons above cause lack of food in Bangladesh and food insecurity 10and number of people who live under the poor line is about half of its population 13.(n.d) Dhulme Points out that For the above problem it spouse to have some solutions to solve them and that what is happened in Bangladesh12. In the begging the Bangladesh government do not do anything to stop these problems from expanding 12 .until the problems became serious and it need to be solve very fast because it effect people lives there .for that the Bangladesh government take a decision to import food but that was too late because the food pieces increased 12(2008). To solve rate crisis there people invoked to eat rats and this solution is failed to reduce the problem with them10 .Food aid comes to Bangladesh from to programmes for food aid which are UNICEF and the UN World Food Programme (WFP) 10.the Wold Food Programme gives the basic food to the 25,680 poorest families there while UNICEF take care about children nutrition and gives them the healthy food which protect them from diseases10 .Also , UNICEF Provide food sprinkles to 11,794 children and , 6,003 girls , ,201 pregnant women and 1,028 lactating mothers10.( Seymour,2008) Philippines point that these solutions seems to be successful to solve most of problems in Bangladesh ,as what the statistics said the people becomes heather and the average age for male and female increased in the last thirty years ,in 1997 the women average age was about 58.1 years and for men it was 58.2 years and these number increased in 2001 to 60.9 years for women and 60.1 for men. in generally, the poverty declined in Bangladesh14 .Also, the people who live below the poverty line decrease from 55% in1985 to 44% in 1999.the number of employment in the ready mad garment sector has increased from 582,000 employee between 1991 and 1992 to 1,500,000 employee between 1997 and 199814(2004).according to world food programme , Chakma said The rice and biscuits are very helpful during this lean time(2009). The other country which receive food aid is Ethiopia .Ethiopia is located in Africa it is considered as a poor country .according to Greste in BBC News Ethiopia in the last thirty years is getting the most of aid more than any other country in Africa (2006)15.Although it has fertile land which is able to produce food , there is a famine and the number of hungry people is going up .the food crisis in Ethiopia has happened as a result of high population who need to eat food since 1985 the number of population is doubled to about 80 million 16 (Hampson, 2008).also, there are rain problems there for example there was no rain in 2003 and the dought period length was 18 month16(Hampson, 2008).in some places there is not enough rain for that reason the prices of food are increasing .in adition, the food prices increase until the inflation is more than 75%16(Hampson, 2008) World food programme pointed that the price for cereal in Ethiopia increase by more than 100 %17(n.d).the reasons above leads to food shortage which make many people malnourished. Moreover, animals are affected and dying .in that situation people used to eat false bananas To put an end to that problems Save The Children UK are try to save the children by doing some solutions it gives help to must of poor people .The World Food Programme is helping 11 million poor people in Ethiopia and it the emergency food ration is reduced by one third(World Food Programme ,(n.d) 17. Getachew point out that UNICEF with helping from the European Commissions Office for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) gives food to Ethiopian. ECHO gave 3.3 million euros by this number of money 70,000 got food in 2008 18(2009). Moreover, accourding to Thomas and LaVerle it take help form other charities such as International Development (AID), The World Health Organization (WHO) U.S. .For above responses which taken to help Ethiopia there are many things change there ; even though ,the medical facilities increased slowly19. 80 % of people there who have not access to technique and the number of people who have AIDS increased from 2 in 1986 to 355 in 199019(1991). 11% of people die by tuberculosis and 60 % of death caused by preventable ( Health and welfare , n.d) In general , the food aid is help the two has different result .in Bangladesh the average age for both men and women slightly increased ,the number of poor people decreased and the number of employee increased . in Ethiopia , medical facilities slowly increased m the farms a bit increase on other hand the number of people who do not have clean and safety water in considerably high .To sum up in both two countries food aid is not successful and it does not solve all the problems but in Bangladesh it solve some of problems even more than it in Ethiopia . In conclusion, this essay has focused on how it food aid is successful as a response for food crisis and point out that there are a large number of people who depend on food aid as a main factor .Also , it seems food aid is not solve all the problems in the countries and it do not get the same result in all countries , some of them it was successful and other not which depend on the countries its self and how it react with the food aid .Finally , financial aid is considerably better than food aid because it gives more choices to people to do with it ,they can buy anything by the money but they can only eat the food . References:- How Does Food Aid Works (September 16, 2005) World Food Programme Shah(December 03, 2007) Food aid Food Aid Benefits Rich Countries As Much As It Does For Poor Countries Food aid in crises should also aim for longer-term self-reliance ,UN News Centre Christopher. B. Barrett, Daniel G. Maxwell, Food Aid After Fifty Years: Recasting Its Role (London: Routledge, 2005), Chapter 1, page 4 Akhter Shahidur Manohar Sajjad (2003) : A Study On Food Aid Leakage In Bangladesh,03.pdf Coutts,(2004) : After the floods : Bangladesh faces a food crisis McHernry Bird (n.d) : Food Bunle In Bangladesh Seymour,(2008 ) Rat flood triggers food crisis in Bangladesh Advisory: Food and Economic Crisis in Bangladesh (May 14 ,2008): Compassion Hulme ,(2008) Food Insecurity in Bangladesh: the OtherCrisis : End the World poverty Bangladesh (n.d) Manila (2004) BANGLADES Gender, Poverty, and the Millennium Development Goals : the Asian Development Bank available at Greste (2 February 2006) Ethiopias food aid addiction : BBC News Hampson, (2008) Ethiopias new famine: A ticking time bomb World Food Programme (n.d) 18- Getachew(23 October 2009) Therapeutic food helps save childrens lives in southern Ethiopia 19-Thomas P. Ofcansky and LaVerle Berry, editors. Ethiopia: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1991. More Food May Not Mean Less Hunger (2009) available at,6825 Kelly, A. ,(2008), The rains have come, the lan is but Ethiopians still go hungry ,The Guadian,1st August 2008
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