Monday, May 25, 2020

Conspiracy Theories Moon Landing Essay - 1292 Words

Conspiracy theories have been around since the beginning of time. When NASA sent the first landed on the moon, there are people who believed that NASA faked the moon landings. Men, such as Bill Kaysing, the Flat Earth Society, and Davie Groves, and Bart Sibrel, have written books, delivered lectures, and made videos about why they believed NASA faked the moon landings. Based on their observations which include no stars in their pictures, NASAs drive to beat the Russians to the moon, and a way to distract people from the Vietnam war, the group believes that the moon landings were faked. If you notice in all the pictures that NASA has taken of the first moon landing, there are no stars in the sky. In July of 1969, many Americans†¦show more content†¦This is just one example of the moon landing being a hoax. They used the same backdrop for different photos that were supposed to be in different areas of the moon. NASA claims that the only light source for taking the photograp hs was the sun. One example of such a photo, is of Armstrong and Aldrin planting the flag. If the photo was taken by using only the light of the sun for a light source, then why is Aldrin’s shadow longer than Armstrong’s shadow? If the sun was the only source for light then the shadows should not have been so unequal (Overstreet). Why did so many NASA Moonscape photos have non parallel shadows? Skeptics will tell you because there is two sources of light on the Moon, which is the Sun and the Earth. That maybe the case, but the shadows would still fall in the same direction, not two or three different angles and Earth shine would have no effect during the bright lunar day which was the time at which the Apollo was on the Moon. In October 1957, the Russians launched Sputnik and that started the race to the moon. The Russians were well ahead of Americans back in the 1960s in terms of the advanced technology they had. They were so close to taking off but then America decides to spontaneously land on the moon. President John F. Kennedy thought it was important that the United States win the race to the moon. On September 12, 1962, at Rice University, President Kennedy made aShow MoreRelatedThe Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory1515 Words   |  7 PagesConspiracy theories are everywhere. It seems that for every event in to have taken place in history, there is a group of individuals saying that it is a government conspiracy. There are conspiracy theories regarding the 9/11 attacks, presidential assassinations, Area 51, Jimmy Hoffa, the English crown and Elvis. The list is endless. In this paper we are going to discuss the moon landing conspiracy. Apparently there are people who believe the entire moon landing was a hoax. They believe thatRead MoreConspiracy Theories Have Caused People To Question Everything960 Words   |  4 PagesConspiracy theories have caused people to question everything the government tells them for hundreds of years. A conspiracy theory is an explanation of an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy without warrant. Conspiracy theories generally involve an illegal or harmful act carried out by the government or other powerful actors.The Moon landing is still one of the biggest conspiracy theories in the world. After forty-eight years it is still being debated and discussed in many laboratories,Read MoreMoon Landing Conspiracy807 Words   |  4 PagesScientific Facts for Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorists: An Essay on the Apollo 11 Conspiracies Tatiana Odishoo Ms. Betances, English 1 Pre-IB Global Issue Research Paper June1, 2011 Odishoo, Tatiana Ms. Betances/ English 1 Pre-IB Per.5 Global Issue Draft 20 May 2011 Scientific Facts for Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorists People around the globe are familiar with the triumphant words, â€Å"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.† However, nearly 20% (Russo) believe they wereRead MoreMoon Landing Exploratory Essay1029 Words   |  5 PagesMoon Landing 1969 â€Å"Ignition sequence starts, three, two, one, all engine running, zero, lift off.† On July 16th 9:32 a.m., Apollo 11 was successfully launched as millions watched. Indeed, the lunar mission of the Apollo 11 was a new break through in the field of space exploration. Soon after, however, many controversies were raised on the authenticity of this event. Many critics of the lunar landing believe that this event was a hoax perpetuated to deceive the society. The debate, whether the moonRead MoreStar Trek Is Real?1183 Words   |  5 PagesStar Trek is Real?: An Analysis on the Moon Landing Conspiracy On September 08, 1966, Captain James T. Kirk set out on his 5 year long voyage in his starship, the Enterprise, with his crew-mates to go where no man has gone before. This isn’t history but the air date and the synopsis for the fictional TV show Star Trek, about a captain and his crew exploring the wonders the galaxy. A great and fictional TV series Star Trek was, it is more surprising that in just approximately 3 years after this dateRead MoreConspiracy Theories Surrounding The Assessination of John F. Kennedy1743 Words   |  7 PagesConspiracy theories surround the average human in the world of education. Whether the average person chooses to ignore them or to accept them is one thing, but before any one person should put their faith in any one conspiracy theory, you must first study all the facts of that specific theory. There are hundreds of conspiracy theories that have been nagging at humanity for years; however, there are three main conspiracies that stick out more than others. The first being the JFK conspiracy theoryRead MoreMoon Landing : Conspiracy Or Reality?1461 Words   |  6 PagesMoon Landing: Conspiracy or Reality? It wasn t until I really sat down and thought about it that I realized the moon landing was questionable. As a kid I always thought it would be amazing to be an astronaut so the thought that maybe there is no real astronauts at all had me concerned. On July 20th 1969, the Apollo 11 with astronaut Neil Armstrong and his crew, guided by thousands of NASA technicians, supposedly landed in the surface of the moon. This landing at its time was considered the mostRead MoreAmerican History Is Responsible For The Creation Of Conspiracy Theories1151 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican history is responsible for the creation of conspiracy theories for famous ideas and events constructed by the government and made available for the public to either believe or disbelieve a hoax or phenomena. Merriam-Webster defines conspiracy as â€Å"a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators.† A popular theory to be defined as an al leged hoax is the end to the â€Å"Space Race,† accomplished by the United States of America’sRead MoreAmericans DID Land on the Moon1056 Words   |  4 PagesCongress, his ambitious goal of sending a human to the moon before the end of the decade. However, this enormous goal, that would appear to be a catalyst for domestic pride, has as many ties to the Cold War, as it does to the moon itself. Regardless of this, when Apollo 11 landed on the moon in July of 1969, the entire country rejoiced. While some doubted the motives of Kennedy’s goal, a bigger conspiracy may have lay just beneath the surface; a conspiracy that could have shaken the entire country and enragedRead MoreThe John F. Kennedy Assassination and the Moonlanding1171 Words   |  5 Pageselected, Kennedy made it a goal to land a man on the moon. As promised, in 1969, Apollo 11 did just that. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins were the astronauts that were sent into orbit and eventual ly landed on the moon (Dunbar). These two events helped shape our nation’s history, and were very important in characterizing that time period. There are several different theories on the death of John F. Kennedy and the landing of the moon. After clinching the victory of the election in

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Happiness and Epicurus Essay examples - 1438 Words

Epicureanism is a philosophy developed the teachings and ideals of a man named Epicurus. Epicureanism is defined by Epicurus as the pleasure for the end of all morality and that real pleasure is attained through a life of prudence, honor, and justice. Epicurus introduced this philosophy around 322 B.C, and two schools established in Athens. Epicurus taught the ethics of his philosophy in his school, that a person should live by the art of making life happy, and that prudence is the noblest part of philosophy( Epicurus ideals for life intrigued people and they began to think that perhaps the ethics of Epicureanism had some truth behind it; a person should live his/her life to the fullest in order to become happy. Epicurus†¦show more content†¦Thus, the Epicurean way isnt too far from todays world views on how Americans live. Thomas Jefferson, during the history of America, admitted that the teachings of Epicureanism, by saying this quote, Epicureanism and Epicu rus give laws for governing ourselves, Jesus a supplement of the duties and charities we owe to others,( Through the eyes of the beholder a person can be able to see that Epicureanism, in fact, can be put into the context of life without really thinking about the philosophy. The history of Epicureanism is important for people because his teachings are simple enough to live by, without submitting. The ethics behind Epicureanism are very simple. Epicurus demonstrates that experience shows happiness is not best attained by directly seeking it. The selfish are not more happy but less so than the unselfish. This statement is very powerful for the simple person. Epicurus proves that if a person seeks to be happy he/she usually wont be able to find true happiness. Epicurus states Thus although virtue is inseparable from pleasure and necessary if we are to be happy, it is to be chosen not for its own sake but for the sake of pleasure. Beauty and the virtues and the like are to be honored if they provide pleasure, but, if they do not, we must say goodbye to them.(Intro. Epicurus, 124) HappinessShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Philosophy And Happiness By Epicurus991 Words   |  4 Pages Letter to Menoeceus by Epicurus In this piece of writing Letter to Menoeceus, Epicurus highly emphasized on the importance of philosophy and happiness. To begin with, he encouraged people of all ages, whether young or old, to study philosophy in order to develop better understanding of what desires to fulfill. By philosophy, Epicurus meant a state of mind, based on a realistic worldview that, if its implications were understood, would free people’s minds from superstitious fear and moral anxietyRead MoreAll Great Minds Think Alike...Sometimes Essay1182 Words   |  5 Pagescase of great minds like Epicurus (342 – 270 B.C.E.) and Epictetus (50 – 130 C.E.), the road toward their common goal differed. Both Epicurus and Epictetus believe that it is in human nature to seek out pleasure and that happiness implicates serenity. However, Epicurus differs from Epictetus in that Epicurus does not believe that it is the virtues that bring about happiness, but rather, one’s own pleasure. While both Epicurus and Epictetus confer their opinions on happiness, it is consequently apparentRead MoreWhat Makes The Pill?864 Words   |  4 PagesThese are some scenario’s that have a higher chance of occurring if I were to take the happiness pill. Therefore, I have decided not to take the pill because according to Epicurus there are three influences that determine your happiness and being being blinded by the truth is not one of them. The truth in this case, is more important to me. Epicurus was one of the only philosophers to figure out what happiness was and knew we all were capable of finding it. He says we are all looking in the wrongRead MoreThe Is A Philosophical Theme Taught By Epicurus1306 Words   |  6 PagesEpicureanism is a philosophical theme taught by Epicurus, this theme that stresses the goal of a joyful and a pleasurable life. In the Hellenistic Age, epicureanism was extremely influential. Epicurus, the founder of Epicureanism, is best known for his different personality, unlike all the other ancient philosophers, excluding Socrates (O Keefe). Epicurus accumulated a group of disciples and taught them, after that he became known as the â€Å"philosophy of the Garden.† The wisdom theory, epicureanismRead MoreEpicurus And John Stuart Mill967 Words   |  4 Pageslife. They all included the concepts of pleasure and happiness to some extent in their theories, but they all approached the ideas in different ways. The two hedonists we studie d, Epicurus and John Stuart Mill, place heavy emphasis on the importance of pleasure. They both believe that pleasure is a necessity in the ideal life. Jean Kazez agreed with their viewpoints in her theory and said that happiness was a necessity for a good life. Epicurus and Mill also argue that there is nothing else thatRead MoreAristotle s Views On Teachings And Beliefs Of Philosophy1466 Words   |  6 PagesEpicurus is a well-known ancient Greek philosopher who has had a remarkable impact on teachings and beliefs of Philosophy. His goal was to teach all people to find happiness by following his way of life. To this day, there are still many that follow the beliefs of Epicurus. I see some of his beliefs positively and others seem unnecessary. Epicurus did not believe in the supernatural. His beliefs were more about physics, logic, and ethics. To him everything experienced in life happens naturallyRead MoreThe Nature of Death Essay1508 Words   |  7 Pagesregarding the abstract idea of death. Two Hellenistic philosophers Epicurus and Epictetus take very different approaches to prove that death is insignificant and nothing to worry about. Epicurus argues that death is the unequivocal end of our existence, and Epictetus claims it is something that we have no control over. Both examine the nature of death in an attempt to achieve ataraxia or a tranquil state of mind. However, Epicurus and Epictetus fail to address the true emotional nature of death andRead MoreEpicurean Philosophy and its Effects on the World Essay1095 Words   |  5 Pagesvariety that it seemed difficult to choose a path. The founder of Epicureanism, Epicurus, had great contributions to peoples’ finding of a way to live. Epicurus was born in 341 B.C. on the island of Samos. His parents, Neocles and Chaerestrate were among the Athenians who moved to settle in Samos. Epicurus’ father was a schoolmaster, which gave the child his earliest education. It is told that at an early age Epicurus was remarkably curious and independent in his views. At age fourteen he beganRead MoreAristotle s Views On Happiness999 Words   |  4 PagesAristotle, Epicurus, Epictetus, Boethius, Augustine, and Aquinas connected on writing about the phenomenon of human happiness. Through these philosophers, various ideologies on happiness gets to be distinctly conceivable for one to distinguish and recognize the difference between what people think or feel happiness is and what the true state of happiness is. In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle said happiness is the value and reason for every good thing, so happiness is deserving of respect. ForRead More Epicurus Essay1095 Words   |  5 PagesEpicurus Epicurus was a philosopher who was believed to be the one with all the answers to life. He encouraged the Ideal of Good Life, to live simple lives by seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Epicurus views worries as unnecessary and unnatural desires. If these desires are avoided, he believes that all worries will be eliminated. Epicurus metaphysical theory was based on Democrituss view of atoms. They were monists who believed all is matter, the soul is equivalent to the mind and

Friday, May 15, 2020

Effective Communication in Negotiation - 1126 Words

Effective communication in negotiation In this report I decided to consider effective communication in negotiation. It is a very important topic, because we have to negotiate every day at work, at home, with our friends. We negotiate for deciding a time for meeting, or where to go on a rainy day, etc. Also the importance of negotiation has grown in recent years in a workplace. Nowadays, people works more in teams, where they need to negotiate and prove their opinions. Also many workers are forming relationships with suppliers, where they negotiate about conditions of contracts, terms of payments, etc. (Thompson, 1991). Therefore, the knowledge about negotiation and how to achieve success in it is especially important. First of all,†¦show more content†¦Firstly, the average person is a poor listener. Whatever you say, expect that the other side will almost always hear something different. Secondly, negotiators talk to impress third parties, rather than attempting to establish a constructive dialogue. Effective communication between parties is impossible to achieve as long as each plays to an audience. Thirdly, neither party is hearing the other. Often the listening party doesn t pay enough attention to what is being said because he or she is too busy formulating a response to hear. If one party does not hear what the other party says, there is no communications (Badawy, 1994). There are several solutions how to communicate effectively in order to avoid or reduce these breakdowns: 1. Listen carefully to what is said. Practice good listening techniques by paying close attention to what is said and ask for explanation as needed. 2. Learn that understanding is not agreeing. Repeat what you have understood the other party to have said, phrasing it positively from their point of view. You can understand perfectly and disagree completely at the same time. 3. Speak to be understood. A negotiation is not a debate, nor is it a trial. You need to establish a constructive dialogue, not a monologue. Speaking smoothly, tactfully, and unemotionally are important. 4. Avoid provoking a defensive reaction. 5. Don t over communicate. Talking too much can lead to information overload,Show MoreRelatedPersuasive Communication and1272 Words   |  6 PagesPersuasive Communication and Effective Negotiations Introduction In business the most vital skill is communication. In a setting where ideas are the business, it is imperative to be able to communicate those ideas effectively. The most important part of communication is the persuasive message. Communication is defined as a process by which we give and express meaning in an effort to create shared understanding. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Film Music And The Modern Day - 2829 Words

Music has been used to propel the narrative in silent films throughout its history, but how did Bource achieve this in a silent film made in the modern day? This essay will be discussing the original styles used in silent film music, how Bource used them today in such an award winning way, and how he added his own imprint, and arguably modern flare to the music of The Artist. Silent films first appeared around the 1890s in America. 1 They are films that were without synchronised sound and especially no spoken dialogue. Music was recognised as an important part of film/moving images from the beginning, as it contributed to the atmosphere of the films and allowed the audience to understand and feel the emotions being portrayed. 2 When music was first being combined with moving image pianos, organs and phonographs were the first instruments used to provide the music, and as the popularity of film grew over the years, some of the larger theatres began using orchestras to accompany the film. 3 This early film music had many influences from different genres, such as jazz and blues, ragtime, vaudeville, and the style of music from Broadway musicals was also becoming popular. 4 Film â€Å"composers† of this era had a wealth of popular music to draw on in order to create the music for the silent films they were working on. The varying genres also meant that they were able to create different styles and moods of music to suit the different genres of film, or the differentShow MoreRelatedTechniques Used to Direct Two Film Versions of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet915 Words   |  4 PagesDirect Two Film Versions of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Having watched two different film adaptations of Romeo and Juliet, it is clear to see that the two directors, Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli, have used a number of different techniques, quite differently at times, to put across their particular interpretations of the play. These methods and different interpretations are very obvious if you should study the same scene as portrayed in each film. We lookedRead More Comparison of Ethan Hawke and Kenneth Branaghs Versions of Hamlet1039 Words   |  5 PagesComparison of Ethan Hawke and Kenneth Branaghs Versions of Hamlet Modern day directors use a variety of methods to hold ones interest. 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In his film production he uses a number of different cinematic techniques, costumes and a formidably enjoyable soundtrack; yet changes not one word from Shakespeare’s original play, thus making it appeal to a modern audience.Read MoreRomeo And Juliet Film Analysis884 Words   |  4 PagesHence it raises the question of how effective would Baz Luhrmanns 1996 film be as appealing to a 20th century audience? Luhrmann’s form of displaying the original play as a film, is a significant modern appropriation, as the audience can physically see the play unfolding, identifying the films effectiveness. By drawing on the original themes of violence and love, and introducing numerous film techniques, Luhrmanns modern adaptation of the play will prove itself highly effective. Violence is theRead MoreSIlent Film Industry in Hollywood1024 Words   |  5 Pagesindustry has its beginning and Hollywood’s beginning goes all the way back to the late nineteenth century. 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Reconstruction During The Civil War Essay - 1676 Words

Reconstruction The United States went through many changes after the Civil War and during the Reconstruction period of 1866-1877. Before Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on December, 1863, by John Wilkes, Lincoln announced the first Reconstruction plan a year before the Civil War had ended and Lincoln offered general amnesty to white southerners who would pledge an oath of loyalty to the government and accept the abolition of slavery. During the summer of 1865, Johnson not long after he took office had revealed his plan for Reconstruction or as he preferred to call it â€Å"Restoration,† which reflected both his staunch Unionism and his firm belief in states’ rights. He offered some form of amnesty to Southerners who would take the oath of allegiance. In 1865 and 1866, under the administration of President Andrew Johnson new southern state legislatures passed restrictive â€Å"black codes† to control the labor and behavior of former slaves and other African Americans. North outraged over these codes eroded support which led to the triumph of the more radical wing of the Republican Party and the approach known as Presidential Reconstruction. During Radical Reconstruction which began in 1866, and for the first time in American history, blacks gained a voice in government and they won elections to southern state legislatures and even to the U.S. Congress. In less than a decade, however, reactionary forces–including the Ku Klux Klan–would reverse the changes wrought by RadicalShow MoreRelatedReconstruction Of Reconstruction During The Civil War883 Words   |  4 Pages Describe and analyze Reconstruction. Did Reconstruction have any successes? The end of civil war in the United States of America brought about many problems, in particular for the South. Some of the problems were political, economic decay and social disorder. The war destroyed the plantations and crops thus causing many to starve to death while others became homeless. The reconstruction became the only hope for the people. Radical reconstruction began in 1867, which enabled the freed black menRead MoreReconstruction During The Civil War966 Words   |  4 Pages Reconstruction is a time period after the Civil War ended in 1877. We view it as something that resembles a transformation, shifts in the southern U.S. after the Civil War. This was when slavery inequality, some political, economic, and social issues were, in some ways, balanced. The categories of issues that arose throughout this â€Å"restoration† were aspects such as involving the Confederacy into the Union, abolishing along with figuring out what to do with our free blacks, and addressing conflictRead MoreReconstruction During The Civil War972 Words   |  4 PagesThere was a transformation period after the Civil War called the reconstruction during the years 1863 to 1877. The reconstruction was the rebuilding of the United States, mainly in the South. There were three major types of reconstruction, which were political, physical, and social. The political reconstruction allowed some African Americans to vote; however, they had to be literate in order to take the Oath tes t. Not many African Americans knew how to read and write, because they were slaves andRead MoreReconstruction During The Civil War1487 Words   |  6 PagesReconstruction was the period when America was figuring out on issues pertaining to who was an American, what rights an American should enjoy and what rights other Americans were exercising. The post bellum period was a period after the civil war that had affected the United States of America. This conflict had mostly taken place in the south and therefore the people there were the for the most part affected by this warfare. After the civil war, racism was still a threat and a struggle for the nationRead MoreReconstruction During The Civil War864 Words   |  4 PagesIn hindsight it is sometimes claimed that Reconstruction was a failure. Although there was some good that came out of the Reconstruction it was mostly just a relentless uphill battle against Southerners and immoral politicians that were here to delay change and kee p racism alive. Reconstruction brought the Ku Klux Klan who displayed great resistance, and poverty that swept the South once the blacks were freed. The freedom of these black slaves led to discriminatory legislatures such as the BlackRead MoreReconstruction During The Civil War1892 Words   |  8 PagesReconstruction Over the course of America’s existence, it has acquired many successes and failures. Over time there have been a large number of accomplishments that have made the world a greater good, but there have also been phases of turmoil and tragedy. The Reconstruction period after the Civil War is a prime example of a complete failure. The Reconstruction period consisted of many goals and ideas that Americans planned to achieve in their country after being torn apart from the Civil War.Read MoreEducation During Reconstruction During The Civil War918 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Education during Reconstruction† In the south before during and after the reconstruction was a time for educational growth. Many states were just beginning to provide public education. The education system was trialed and errored to become the system that we know today during this era. The civil war brought separation of races but also families, the radical republicans stressed education during the reconstruction to avert the attention of the people from the war and racial issues. BeforeRead MoreThe Reconstruction Era During The Civil War1370 Words   |  6 PagesThe Reconstruction Era beginning in 1865 marked the period where white men and recently freed African Americans quarreled over the concept of equality on the basis of race as well as where freedom extended to. After the Civil War, there was a power struggle between the Republican and Democratic parties as they had extremely distinct ideas on whether African Americans should be free and hold citizen rights. African Americans were able to achieve citizenship as well as have equality through the 14thRead MoreThe Era Of Reconstruction During The Civil War1630 Words   |  7 Pageswas imposed by the white people. This contradiction is emblematic of the African-American experience. The era of reconstruction was a short-term success, a medium-term failure, and a foundation for the long-term successes of the civil rights movement in terms of black freedom. The era of reconstruction exposed the radical limits of freedom for natural born citizens in the post-civil war United States. The idea of freedom changed in a tremendous way for the blacks. I would like to begin by askingRead MoreThe Legacy Of Reconstruction During The Civil War Essay1254 Words   |  6 Pageshistory. These â€Å"revolutionary movements† have created lasting impressions on the United States that helped mold the nation that it is today. One such movement was Reconstruction. Reconstruction was a time in America consisting of reuniting the country and pulling it from the economic catastrophe that stemmed from the Civil War. The reconstruction era had dealt with three separate plans: the Lincoln Plan, the Johnson Plan and the congressional Plan. These plans, each with their own unique way of unifying

Feasibility Study on E-Procurement System at Masbate Provincial Hospit

Question: Research Proposal on "feasibility study on e-procurement system at Masbate provincial Hospital". Answer: 1. Hierarchical Decomposition Process Scope It is necessary to mention that, procurement is a need for all of the hospital organization because procurement is able to provide facilities related to the supply as well as purchase of the raw materials for the organizations. On the other hand, procurement also highly helpful in selecting, management as well as buying related to the supplies in daily life of the organizations. In this digital era, the business organizations as well as the hospital organizations are able to purchasing as well as ordering various significant items through internet; as the digital technology is rising day by day. This procedure s called as E-Procurement. On the other hand, the organizations also can purchase as well buying the items through not only internet but also through informative network systems. Apart from that, the hospital organizations are also engaging their business with the e-procurement process because the entire orders related to the medicines are hospital equipments are ordered throug h online purchasing or buying processes.Thus, it is necessary to mention that, the significant values that are related to cultural aspects also creating barriers that are able to hinder the establishment procedures that are related to the implementation of e-procurement within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital. Therefore, a solution, it can be said that, changing the organizational culture as well as providing appropriate guidance to the employees and workers for understanding the major necessity of the implementation related to e-procurement system. The research study aims at reducing the resistance for implementing the e-procurement system within the hospital if the top most management of the Masbate provincial Hospital is able to create awareness among their employees as well as the staffs for understanding the core reason values of e-procurement as well as the importance of the e-procurement within the hospital for increasing the organizational growth. The research proposal would be helping in providing significant guidance for taking decisions in project management for implementing e-procurement for facilitating the Masbate provincial Hospital as well. The research study also deals in increasing the awareness among the employees and the workers as well as productivity and profitability of the Masbate provincial Hospital. The study also incorporates the provision of the suitable guidance that are related to the e-procurement as well as implementation for both the long term development plans related to the information technolo gy communication. It also aims at evaluating the effective working of the board related to the management of this organization Scope exclusions It is identified that, most of the business organizations are wish to implement the digitally advanced technologies that are linked with the e-procurement as well as the top level management also trying to integrate the technological aspects as well as system to system integration for increase the internal development of the hospital workplaces. On the other hand, the information communication technology gives a significant role to the e-procurement for increasing the organizational development in a cohesive manner. Therefore, for implementing the above mentioned digitally advanced equipments as well as components there is a huge need of capital, therefore, the hospital organizations often not prepared for bearing a huge amount of liquid cash as an investment. It is necessary to mention that, the finance department is able to maintain the proper cash flows as well as can identify the additional expenses that can be avoided for developing such kind of significant implementation within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital. Nevertheless, various serious challenges are there within the hospital organizations that are creating barrier at the time of implementing the e-procurement in the hospital organizations. It is necessary to mention that, this particular proposal is investigating the significant challenges that are laid in the processes related to implementing the e-procurement system in the hospital organizations. Therefore, Masbate provincial Hospital is taken in this research proposal as the case study for enhancing the challenges that are seems the major issue in implementing e-procurement within the workplace. In addition, the recommendations that are highly need for implementing e-procurement within the hospitals are also briefly described for emphasizing the view for mitigating organizational issues. Methodology Method Outline: Method outline is treating as a significant frame of the entire methodology for providing a primary as well as systematic procedural structure for driving the entire research towards the positive direction. The entire research has been taken for implementing e-procurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Henceforth, the researcher took positivism philosophy, descriptive design, deductive approach as well as primary data collection process as the choice for meet the exact research topic. On the other hand, both quantitative as well as qualitative analysis methods are adapted by the researcher due to the non-probability sampling have been followed by the researcher for selecting the participant for the designated survey. Research Philosophy: At the first layer of the research onion the research philosophy took place rather than the others that are dependent on the research philosophy. It is necessary to mention that, the researcher choose the proper philosophy for assessing the significant parameters that are affecting the implementation process of e-procurement in the Masbate provincial Hospital. On the other hand, the present research initiative for describing the insight analysis is taken by the researcher for conducting the entire research study in a cohesive manner. The implementation of the e-procurement of the Masbate provincial Hospital is described appropriately in the positivism philosophy. Henceforth, the researcher is able to identify the significant real facts by identifying the relevant parameters that are mainly responsible for maintaining the implementation related to the e-procurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Therefore, positivism is the best option fo r making detailed structural view for this particular research study in a cohesive manner. Research Approach: In the second layer of the research onion, the research approach is laid for providing an enhanced view of the entire research study. There are two significant approaches used in most of the research studies. The significant research approaches are: Inductive Approach and Deductive Approach. It is necessary to mention that, the inductive approach is able to provide an emphasized approach to the researcher for observing, collecting data as well as analyzing them in a cohesive manner and using the effective as well as essential tools for developing the potential theories that are related to the research study topic. On the contrary, deductive approach is helpful in selecting as well as going through the theories that are highly important need for completing the entire research study along with the hypothesis, data analysis, testing as well as the implementation of the highly significant theories that are highly helpful for analyzing the data as well as evaluate the theoretical evidences for the researchers. On the other hand, the researcher has already discussed the relevant theories in the above segmentation of the research study. In addition, the data collection is also done in this research study for generating the evidences as well as proving the truthiness that are related with the implementation of e-procurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Apart from that, the existing research is based on the confirmed theories that are selected for pointing out as well as evaluating the responsible factors related to the highly important deviation of the implementation of e-p rocurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Research Design: The third layer of the research onion is the allocated for research design. In the research design the researcher is able to interpret the most significant data along with the biased analysis based upon the objectives as well as the purposes of the entire research study. The light is shed on the research design is based upon the research topic that is chosen by the researcher. There are three basic research designs that are: exploratory research designs, explanatory research designs as well as descriptive research designs. It is necessary to mention that, exploratory design is able to shed light on the research background information related to the problem statement that are identified by the researcher in this research study. On the contrary, the explanatory design is highly helpful for assisting the findings that are related to the reasons that are arrived during this research study. On the other hand, the descriptive design is able to help the researcher by linking with the designated research objectives of the research study based on the findings. Data Collection Process: It is necessary to mention that, the data collection process is highly important need for a research study; as it includes both the primary as well as secondary data collection for emphasizing the entire research study by the primary data collection process. The research topic is based upon the implementing e-procurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Therefore, it is necessary to fetch the data that are comes from the employees as well as the workers of that particular hospital organization. The awareness related to the implementation of the e-procurement within the workplace of the Masbate provincial Hospital is highly essential for increasing the quality of services that are provided by the Masbate provincial Hospital. Henceforth, the primary data is highly important for conducting this particular research study. Sampling Method: Sampling method is highly essential for gathering the significant data that are comes from the end of the employees and the workers of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Sampling method refers to conduct an enhanced survey with the significant respondents for collecting data along with the data collection process. Henceforth, the researcher has undertaken the sampling based upon the non-probability for conducting the convenient sampling process. The sampling is actually using for reducing the deviation of the responses of the respondents in the primary data collection. Sample Size: The researcher took 150 respondents for conducting the survey for this particular research study. However, respondents are seemed agreed to participate in the survey. Among these 100 participants the researcher is going to conduct both the qualitative as well as quantitative questionnaires for fetching the valuable data for reaching the research objectives. Research Method: Research methods are generally categorized into two significant methods. Those are: Qualitative and Quantitative Questionnaires. Quantitative questionnaires are conducted with the employees, workers, services users and those persons who are related to the hospital. On the contrary, Qualitative questionnaires are conducted with the managers of the Masbate provincial Hospital. The both questionnaires are asked to those persons who are related to the hospital because those persons only can reveal the appropriate information that are highly need for satisfy this research. Ethical Consideration: Ethical issues must have to be followed by the researcher for conducting the research study as well as the survey that are highly necessity for this particular research study. It is necessary to mention that, the researcher must have to maintain the Data Protection Act, 1998 because the information that are fetched from the participant have to be isolate for ignoring the breach of information as well as maintain the core ethics of conducting research. Limitations of the Study: The major limitation of this particular research study is time. Due to the lack of time the researcher is unable to put more concentration for reaching the objectives of the entire research study. On the other hand, few respondents were unwilling to participate in the survey questionnaires; as a result, the variation of the fetched data and information are bounded in a scale. In addition, the researcher also faced various serious difficulties that are able to create an impact on the entire research study; as the result may deviate from the exact expectations. Lastly, the researcher also faced difficulties for collecting the authenticated data from the Masbate provincial Hospital for conducting this research study properly. Deliverables Outline Number Task Name 1 Implementation of e-Procurement in Masbate Provincial Hospital 1.1 Planning budget 1.2 Planning the strategies 1.3 Defining the objectives of the new services 1.4 Implementing the strategies 1.4.1 Buying the required equipments 1.4.2 Up grading of the existing system 1.5 Training of the staff 1.5.1 Practical training 1.5.2 Theoretical training Table 1: Delievrables for e-procuremnt project in the hospital Development tasks and Milestones Outline Number Task Name 1 Implementation of e-Procurement in Masbate Provincial Hospital 1.1 Planning budget 1.1.1 Identifying the financial issues 1.1.2 Establishing a plan based on the costs 1.2 Planning the strategies 1.2.1 Determining the issues relating to the up gradation 1.2.2 Conducting the research on the latest technologies 1.2.3 Strengthening the initial proposal 1.3 Defining the objectives of the new services 1.3.1 Determining the techniques for implementinmg the new procurement services 1.3.2 Determining the effectiveness of the proposed strategy 1.4 Implementing the strategies 1.4.1 Buying the required equipments Identifying the equipments which are required for enhancing the information management system Purchasing the equipments from the suppliers Installing the equipments in the hospital 1.4.2 Up grading of the existing system Implementing the upgradation of the software and hardware equipments Implementing the latest technologies for the successful operations 1.5 Training of the staff 1.5.1 Practical training Providing basic training on the handling of the equipments Providing extra information on the utilization of the equipments in case of emergency situations Providing basic knowledge of the maintenance of the equipments 1.5.2 Theoretical training Providing knowledge about the working principle Providing basic knowledge of the working principle Milestones 2 Inauguration for the genral use 3 Budget for e procurement planned 4 Objectives of the new service defined 5 Strategies being implemented 6 System upgraded 7 Training session of staff implemented Table 2: Tasks and milestones for e-procuremnt project in the hospital 2. Risk analysis and Quality assurance provcess It is identified that, Masbate provincial Hospital faced highly serious challenges while the management of this particular hospital organization started implementation elated to the e-procurement within the workplace. Few of the employees, as well as workers of Masbate provincial Hospital felt hesitate with the new procedures at the time while the management started implementing e-procurement within the workplace of the hospital. The issues were raised due to the lack of accepted proposals of the employees as well as the workers. On the other hand, the impact of leadership also affected the initial movement for implementing e-procurement in the Masbate provincial Hospital. It is necessary to mention that, the significant values that are related to cultural aspects also creating barriers that are able to hinder the establishment procedures that are related to the implementation of e-procurement within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital. Therefore, a solution, it can be said that, changing the organizational culture as well as providing appropriate guidance to the employees and workers for understanding the major necessity of the implementation related to e-procurement system . Therefore, the reduction of the resistance for implementing the e-procurement system within the hospital if the top most management of the Masbate provincial Hospital is able to create awareness among their employees as well as the staffs for understanding the core reason values of e-procurement as well as the importance of the e-procurement within the hospital for increasing the organizational growth. On the other hand, the main issues that are hindering the implementation of the e-procurement within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital is the legal aspects; as e-procurement has few significant uncertainty in the context of legislative affairs. It is necessary to include that, the products that are related to the hospitals such as, medicines as well as the crucial drugs should have to be followed every time along with authorized signatures of the authorized personnel. Therefore, silly mistakes regarding the above mentioned aspects are able to create errors regarding implementation of the e-procurement within the hospital organization. Apart from that, there are always remaining high risks as the confidential documents are sent through the electronic procedures. If the confidential documents are reached to the third parties the organization can felt within some serious legal issues. It is necessary to mention that, the chances of this type of hindrances can be overcome with the significant information technology department; as information technology department is able to bound the restrictions for transferring the confidential document transmission of any type of payment related transmissions. Therefore, signature documents are highly needed for satisfying the transmission processes through internet. In addition, the scanned copy of the authorized documents should have to be kept as a backup to the hospital organization. Moreover, another serious risk issue is infrastructure because the requirement of the e-procurement is actually based on the digitally advanced equipments as well as components that are related to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It is identified that, most of the business organizations are wish to implement the digitally advanced technologies that are linked with the e-procurement as well as the top level management also trying to integrate the technological aspects as well as system to system integration for increase the internal development of the hospital workplaces. On the other hand, the information communication technology gives a significant role to the e-procurement for increasing the organizational development in a cohesive manner. Therefore, for implementing the above mentioned digitally advanced equipments as well as components there is a huge need of capital, therefore, the hospital organizations often not prepared for bearing a huge amount of liquid c ash as an investment. It is necessary to mention that, the finance department is able to maintain the proper cash flows as well as can identify the additional expenses that can be avoided for developing such kind of significant implementation within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital. Resource Requirements and costs The stakeholders of the Masbate provincial Hospital are those personnel who are releted to the implementation process related to the e-procurement within the workplace of Masbate provincial Hospital. On the other hand, the stakeholders of Masbate provincial Hospital are majorly responsible for completing the entire implementation procedure that are related to the e-procurement. The types of the stakeholders of this wine organization are mentioned below. Internal Stakeholders: The internal stakeholders of Masbate provincial Hospital are: Investors Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Workers including doctors, physicians, receptionists and other staff Managers Management board External Stakeholders: It is found that, the external stakeholders of Masbate provincial Hospital are: Creditors Patients Government Suppliers Project team Resource planning and allocation Budget allocation for each department Demand Division Budgeted salary Offered salary Need Allocated Administration $ 25,000.00 $ 24,600.00 5 5 Therapeutic department $ 74,000.00 $ 74,800.00 8 8 Diagnostic $ 35,000.00 $ 36,000.00 7 6 Inventory $ 30,500.00 $ 31,000.00 6 6 Support $ 35,600.00 $ 34,200.00 5 4 Supply chain $ 24,000.00 $ 25,000.00 8 8 Total $ 231,900.00 $ 228,600.00 39 37 Table 3: Resource allocation cost for the hospital 3. Project work plan Control plan and Timeline Outline Number Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 1 Implementation of e-Procurement in Masbate Provincial Hospital 80 days Fri 6/3/16 Thu 9/22/16 1.1 Planning budget 10 days Fri 6/3/16 Thu 6/16/16 1.1.1 Identifying the financial issues 1 wk Fri 6/3/16 Thu 6/9/16 1.1.2 Establishing a plan based on the costs 1 wk Fri 6/10/16 Thu 6/16/16 3 1.2 Planning the strategies 25 days Fri 6/17/16 Thu 7/21/16 1.2.1 Determining the issues relating to the up gradation 2 wks Fri 6/17/16 Thu 6/30/16 4 1.2.2 Conducting the research on the latest technologies 2 wks Fri 7/1/16 Thu 7/14/16 6 1.2.3 Strengthening the initial proposal 1 wk Fri 7/15/16 Thu 7/21/16 7 1.3 Defining the objectives of the new services 15 days Fri 7/22/16 Thu 8/11/16 1.3.1 Determining the techniques for implementinmg the new procurement services 2 wks Fri 7/22/16 Thu 8/4/16 8 1.3.2 Determining the effectiveness of the proposed strategy 1 wk Fri 8/5/16 Thu 8/11/16 10 1.4 Implementing the strategies 80 days Fri 6/3/16 Thu 9/22/16 1.4.1 Buying the required equipments 20 days Fri 8/12/16 Thu 9/8/16 Identifying the equipments which are required for enhancing the information management system 1 wk Fri 8/12/16 Thu 8/18/16 11 Purchasing the equipments from the suppliers 2 wks Fri 8/19/16 Thu 9/1/16 14 Installing the equipments in the hospital 1 wk Fri 9/2/16 Thu 9/8/16 15 1.4.2 Up grading of the existing system 80 days Fri 6/3/16 Thu 9/22/16 Implementing the upgradation of the software and hardware equipments 2 wks Fri 9/9/16 Thu 9/22/16 16 Implementing the latest technologies for the successful operations 1 wk Fri 6/3/16 Thu 6/9/16 1.5 Training of the staff 35 days Fri 6/3/16 Thu 7/21/16 1.5.1 Practical training 25 days Fri 6/3/16 Thu 7/7/16 Providing basic training on the handling of the equipments 2 wks Fri 6/10/16 Thu 6/23/16 19 Providing extra information on the utilization of the equipments in case of emergency situations 2 wks Fri 6/24/16 Thu 7/7/16 22 Providing basic knowledge of the maintenance of the equipments 1 wk Fri 6/3/16 Thu 6/9/16 1.5.2 Theoretical training 10 days Fri 7/8/16 Thu 7/21/16 23 Providing knowledge about the working principle 1 wk Fri 7/8/16 Thu 7/14/16 Providing basic knowledge of the working principle 1 wk Fri 7/15/16 Thu 7/21/16 26 2 Inauguration for the genral use 0 days Thu 7/21/16 Thu 7/21/16 27 3 Budget for e procurement planned 0 days Thu 6/16/16 Thu 6/16/16 4 4 Objectives of the new service defined 0 days Thu 8/11/16 Thu 8/11/16 11 5 Strategies being implemented 0 days Thu 6/9/16 Thu 6/9/16 24 6 System upgraded 0 days Thu 6/9/16 Thu 6/9/16 19 7 Training session of staff implemented 0 days Thu 7/21/16 Thu 7/21/16 27 Table 4: Project schedule for the e-procurement project in hospita Roles and responsibilities Stakeholders Responsibilities Interests Internal stakeholders Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Providing suitable guidance that are related to the e-procurement as well as implementation for both the long term development plans related to the information technology communication. Evaluating the effective working of the board related to the management of this organization Increasing the awareness among the employees and the workers as well as productivity and profitability of the Masbate provincial Hospital. Managers Evaluates the cost that is related to the implementation of the e-procurement as well as order management procedures and the time estimation schedule for completing the implementation of the designated project Update the status regarding the e-procurement on daily basis as well as check the scheduled timeline that is necessary for maintaining the implementing project. Enhancing the productivity and profitability of the organization by implementing the e-procurement as well as increase the way of purchasing as well as ordering. Management Board Supervising the appropriate implementation procedure for provide suitable ways for managing e-procurement within the hospital workplace. Providing significant guidance for taking decisions in project management for implementing e-procurement for facilitating the Masbate provincial Hospital. Investors Keep investing on the orders as well as investing on thee-procurement related project that is need to be implemented within the business workplace. Emphasize the view of the employees by enhancing the understandings of the implementation of e-procurement Workers Implements the target of orders as well as organizational management related process by satisfying the designated schedule of the e-procurement project Increasing the organizational influencing factors. External Stakeholders Patients Sourcing as well as increase the revenue of the Masbate provincial Hospital Always seek for a better quality of health care services from the organization Suppliers Supplying as well as distributing the medical products and equipments to the different channels related to the distribution channel Increasing the quality of the services of the business Creditors Keep investing on the orders as well as investing on the e-procurement related project that is need to be implemented within the Masbate provincial Hospital workplace. Emphasize the profitability by enhancing the quality of healthcare services of the business procedure. Government Implementing the regulations, rules, legislations and policies within the business culture of the organization. Increasing the implementation of the comprehensive and integrated policies along with appropriate legislations. Table 5: Roles and Responsibilities of the Stakeholders of the Masbate Provincial Hospital.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sappho and st. teresa de avila Essay Example For Students

Sappho and st. teresa de avila Essay Day by day women are faced with obstacles simply because of gender. In the plays we have read women are faced with obstacles but overcome them. Women in the past were expected to be submissive and not object to the men’s decisions. The world today has changed its face. No longer are women quiet. Sappho and her work is a good example in our readings to represent today’s day and time. Her poems seem contemporary, very modern. The Descent of Inanna ,on the other hand, is a prime example of works we’ve read that represent the past much more. I strongly believe that each generation is a product of the previous generation, and during the Ancient World, women were not expected to write. They were submissive and their religious superior had the final say. Sappho broke these rules and went against the odds. She wrote and produced wonderful work that everyone can relate to during any time period. Although religious leaders successfully destroyed a great amount of her work, the few parts and pieces that survived still describe things of today in such short lines and phrases. â€Å"At noontime† is a good example of this. It describes the sun and its’ heat and the cricket which till today â€Å"sets up a high-pitched singing in his wings.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"If you will come† is another example. â€Å"At noontime† is simple to say it relates to today’s world, the sun will always be hot the cricket will always live, but the customs and traditions of people do and Sappho still describes customs from her time that live today.â€Å"If you will come† tells of things that generally a person would do for visitors. It says, â€Å" If you will come I shall put out new pillows for you to rest on.† In just these few lines so much is said. This can be taken as literally taking our new pillows for a visitor to sleep on and rest after a long drive to your home. It may also mean that the host is making the visitor feel at home by welcoming him with open arms. Nevertheless, this poem describes customs that a person would do now. For these reasons Sappho’s works are the most modern in our readings. The Descent of Inanna is quite the opposite of Sappho. It describes Inanna going into the â€Å"underworld† a place that we do not relate to as easily as a worldly location. WE never hear of a person visiting the â€Å"underworld† and returning as if they had never left. The process of going into the underworld is another thing that we of today’s time do not relate to. Inanna is submissive and gives her material things which are being taken away from her by gate keepers. We no not normally see these customs in today’s time. A guest is never treated as an outsider, but rather welcomed and lead to the place they need to be. Stripping a guest of his/her garments and jewels is ill-mannered and uncivilized. For these reasons is why The Descent of Inanna is the most dated of the works we have read. These two works were written during the same time frame. Authors who are very well respected today wrote them both. This is their link to similarity, but their conten t is different and represents diversity in works of that time. The Descent of Inanna reflects the world in which it was written. The ideas and entertainment that were enjoyed during that time are in The Descent of Inanna, while Sappho’s works reflect both customs and physical aspects of the living world of that time it reflects the same for today’s world.